Monday 26 September 2011

The Lake:(A Short Story).

The lake would beckon plenty: the habitual morning walker and jogger, the frolicking children with their mothers, aunts and friends, the occasional pleasure seeker who chose a boat ride over a walk, and also those who cared more for a private moment among the greenery. Looking out at the lake from my window, I would screw up my eyes, trying to catch a view of the farthest possible distance.In fact, my changing moods seemed mirror themselves on the silken lake. When sadness enveloped me, the lake seemed grim and foreboding; when I was in a happy and upbeat mood, the lake too seemed to be in agreement. To outsiders and visitors, the lake would be a source of constant joy, envy and solace." How lucky you are to be living so close to nature!", they would exclaim, to which I'd smile knowingly. Many would want to spend their weekends near our house, and yet others contemplated shifting their residence next to ours.
Mystery and legend always seemed to surround this lake: some claimed it to be home to vile and vicious animals and reptiles, many said that it was simply dangerous and would roll their eyes mysteriously, and yet others claimed that the lake housed evil spirits. One would hear an occasional tale: a jilted lover had taken her or his life there, or someone's boat had capsized in the middle of the deep waters, never allowing any room for survivors, or, someone had seen shadowy figures which they claimed were the resident evil spirits. For this reason, not many ventured into the lake area after dark. One day, I too was witness to a curious sight: an old vintage car, with about six occupants (including an elderly couple) was trying to reverse on the narrow lake road, which led up to a dam. However, the driver of the car misjudged, and the car fell headlong into the water, with a loud splash.The lake, being in a benevolent mood, seemed to have forgiven and saved all of the family, and they all came wading out of the water, stunned but unhurt.
One evening, on my return from a long summer vacation, I was taking my dog for a walk down the lake path, when I noticed two young boys in the distance. I recognized them as the naughty boys who lived in our apartment, on the topmost floor. Seeing me approach rapidly, both ran in the opposite direction, laughing as they did so. I tried seeing where they were off to, but they had completely vanished, among the green trees.To my consternation, they were no where to be although the ripples in the lake told me that someone could have possibly jumped in only a very short while ago. "Hurry up, Fido!", I told my naughty puppy, " we have to go and tell their mother", and Fido, always on the lookout for fresh smells, reluctantly had to be dragged by the collar." Good doggy will get a biscuit!', and we half ran towards home. After Fido had had his biscuit, and been given a drink of water, I decided to take some time off and quickly inform Mrs. Z that I had seen her two boys wandering near the lake, and their consequent disappearance.
I rang the bell once. No answer. answer."Maybe she's out", I thought to myself, and decided to talk to the immediate neighbour, Liza. To my utter relief,the door opened almost immediately, and I was welcomed in warmly. As a bonus, the lady who I was actually seeking was sitting on the couch. "Hello!", Mrs. Z! I'm here to pass on some information regarding your sons..I saw them wandering in the forest of the lake."
There was a moment of pin drop silence. At last, Mrs. Z opened her mouth, and said teary eyed, "thankyou for informing me, two sons drowned in that lake last week when you were away". Shocked beyond words,it took me some time to realize that the two boys I had seen were actually only apparitions, who maybe had come to inform me of the tragedy that had befallen them.
Thankfully, we had to move out of the house soon after the incident.I can never forget the lake and it's everlasting mystery surrounding it.


  1. i could never have slept if i had a house near that lake! :) the last part sounds familiar; it's like the ones that we see in the horror serials. :)

  2. Divoo, I actually stayed near that lake...the story ending is my imagination...sorry, it's a bit on the negative note.

  3. too good...its better than the last one :)

  4. Very nice Ruma....liked the story approach & even its end...definitely not something you would wish would happen to anyone, but as a story, it was good!
    You are gaining confidence, which reflects in your writing too.
    Keep writing
    Lots of best wishes & love
