Tuesday 13 September 2011

I sit and think, if we had as much rain as we do lies from politicians, the entire world would be flooded and no one would survive. No tears from angels are coming down and the ground has cracked, dry dirt being bandied about at the whim of the wind. The weatherman says that we get rain, it just evaporates before hitting the ground, only he calls it "virga." We don't want he fancy words, just simple ones will do. Time to reconnect as people which $500 words will not allow. Use the penny words and we'll reconnect again. Not talking just the weatherperson, everybody needs to do the same - politicians most of all and lawyers fall in there, too. The expensive words being used today, are cloying and drowning us all.


  1. simple is always the best, more real, and more acceptable.

    this is the first time in my life that i've seen a dearth of rainfall. if rain happens, it'd be a miracle!

  2. Yes, I agree. Politicians empty words are creating more poison than good. Each one of them seem to have the gift of the gab and a certain amount of magnetism/charisma, which ultimately takes them to the chair, but after that it all goes POOF! Not only does it go POOF! in our country, but 3/4th of them get involved in scams at the cost of the tax payer.
    I wish you get good, heavy, pure rain at least in a month's time.

  3. Namaste:
    "if we had as much rain as we do lies from politicians, the entire world would be flooded and no one would survive." I like that...well said.\

    Stay blessed.

  4. Yes, there is a move already in that direction. It can help save time, money and effort for all. Hope everyone can use it regularly :) http://www.plainlanguage.gov/ has some good resources about it. - vijay

  5. If anything, I would love to see legalese eliminated in its entirety. But I don't see that happening given the rates of JDs the universities churn out nowadays.
    Not only the stuff in legelese is complex, but keeps away general populace from understanding it straight and makes the legal folks invaluable! Good for their kind, bad for the rest of us.
