Friday, 28 December 2012

2012 the bear

MIL#2 extreme pain - started with cancer of the brain now throughout her whole body
niece - stage 4 cervicalcancer
daughter - broken foot - 2 bones & one dislocated to the wrong side of the foot.
daughter - midbrain scatter

what else is there?

Years Come Years Go - Let Time Be

Years come, years go, and this year 2012 is not going to come again. Each day presented an opportunity for us to become a new "me", a new "you", a new "us", to make it the life of our dreams.

The clock ticked; the seconds became minutes, the minutes became hours, the hours became days, the days became weeks and months, the months became a year, and by then 2012 was going to cease to exist. By the time year 2012 became a year, it was done and could not be something more even if it wished to; 2013 waited in the wings.

Years come, years go. Time stays on; constantly churning, egging us on, beating us to the punch, waiting for us to catch up. Time never stands still. We wish it did. Pause. Stop. Smell the flowers. Take in a sunset. Put your feet up on the hammock. Stand on the sea shore and stare at the azure beyond. Dream.

Time is a lie. Life does not happen on the clock. The first time a baby talks, the first time a baby crawls, the first few steps on unsteady feet, nothing happens on an calendar appointment. The first lie, the first fight, the first best friends, nothing seeks your nod to happen on the clock. The first kiss, the first crush, the first love, you'd be a fool to look at the clock to make it happen.

Jump, Fly, Soar. Love, Share, Give. Dream, Do, Achieve. Let Time Go. Live Your Life.